Matching Gifts
Did you know that you might be able to double or even triple your donation to For Families Like Us through donation-matching options from your company?
Many companies offer such options to encourage their employees to give to non-profit organizations. If your company offers donation matching, every dollar you donate to For Families Like Us could turn into two or three dollars. Some companies will even make a monetary contribution to match volunteer hours.
Here is how it works:
Step 1: Contact your human resources department and ask if they match employee donations.
Step 2: Complete your company’s gift-matching form. It should be available through your human resources department. The form, whether in print or electronic version, may require For Families Like Us tax identification number: 81-5298358
Step 3: Make a donation to For Families Like Us in one of two ways.
- A) Send your gift to us by check, along with your company’s completed gift-matching form.
- B) You may also donate online at For Families Like Us Then send the receipt for your donation and the completed gift-matching form to us at the address above.
Step 5: For families Like Us will then complete the form and mail it back to your employer.
Step 6: Your employer will send us a matching contribution. We will notify you when this matching donation arrives.